The dream of The Wooly Crow is of sheep and fowl and gardens, of craft and fine art, of an apiary where surely mead would follow.
A place that will be home to grandmother, great-grandmother, grandson; future generations, ancestors and landwights; crows too.
It was born in 1970 as a seaside summer cottage; a 28' x 24.6' cedar shingled square on 1.6 acres of the north Atlantic coast.
There is a village of 300 nearby where fishermen dwell and artists and regular people.
There is a general store / post office / cafe / gallery, an artist's co-op; a lighthouse park, a meeting place for writers.
We three will be caretakers for a while and follow the best ways possible to keep harmony with land sea and air, and be good neighbours.
In spirit dad grandfather grandmother and uncle, we'll always remeber, and thank you.
May the Gods be with us, and the land and folk always in good health!