I had suspected that the great success of one of the first flower beds we put in last spring was due to the amount of Vetch we pulled out of it. I think I was right. Multiple searches using 'vetch in the garden' turned up plenty of evidence for its use as a cover crop, specifically useful with tomatoes!
I also found a great source of information covering
Here's a photo of our vetch. Although it's not flowering yet, there is lots of it around. I can hardly wait!
Hairy Vetch growing at The Wooly Crow Farm |
Here is what the flowers and seeds will look like.
Hairy Vetch Flowers and Seed Pods |
Some photos of the tomatoes in the greenhouse. I will plant vetch in there this fall and use it as a mulch in the spring!
Tomatoes planted directly in the ground in the greenhouse |
Tomatoes and peppers in pots will be transplanted in the ground in the greenhouse soon! |
Green and Yellow Beans, Cucumbers, Zuchinni, and Pie Pumpkins in the greenhouse! |
Our microgreen corner of the greenhouse is very effective. We get great colour and vibrant growth on the peas, sunflowers, red cabbage and radishes!
Microgreens growing at The Wooly Crow Farm |
Microgreen corner in the greenhouse! |
There is still lots to transplant out of the cell paks but we've got a lot done already thanks to the help of our lovely neighbours! You know who you are!
The Wooly Crow greenhouse on Sunday June 10, 2018! |